Fjölskylduguðsþjónusta kl.11.00. Mikill söngur og gleði. Leiðtogar sunnudagaskólans, Steinunn og Steinunn, leiða sunnudagaskólalögin og fara í leiki og sr.Þórhallur segir óborganlega glærusögu. Eftir stundina býður messuhópurinn upp á kaffi og meðlæti.
Worship service in English 14.00
The worship is open for all Christians and also for those who want to get to know more about Christianity.
Coffee and refreshment in the congregational hall downstairs after the service. Welcome.
Coffee and refreshment in the congregational hall downstairs after the service. Welcome.
Pastor: Toshiki Toma, pastor for immigrants.