Sunnudagaskóli kl. 11 í umsjá Steinunnar Þorbergsdóttur, djákna og Steinunnar Leifsdóttur.
Messa kl. 11. Prestur sr. Sighvatur Karlsson, héraðsprestur, præedikar og þjónar fyrir altari. Félagar úr Kór Breiðholtskirkju syngja undir stjórn Arnar Magnússonar organista. Veitingar eftir messu í safnaðarsal kirkjunnar.
English Holy Communion of the International congregation of the Breiðholts-church will be at 14:00 on Sunday 20th. Örn Magnússon begins to teach singing at 13:45.
Interpretation service in Farsi provided with the preaching.
Deacon Steina Þorbergsdóttir will be in charge of the program for small children while the worship service goes on, so small children are also welcome.
Coffee after the service.