The International Congregation in Breiðholts Church – ICB

Meetings this week

Meeting in this week (24th –  30th of March 2025)

March  20th Thursday 17:30-19:00 
Bible+α Evening  @Breiðholtskirkja : “What does the Bible say abour foreigners?”

Bible+α Evenings are on Thusdays 17:30-19:00 and continues til 11th of April

Pastors Árni Þór and Toshiki will lead the program and we are going sometimes to have guest lecturers, too.
The program is aimed to new people in the church and we will pick up topics both from the Bible and the church life(+α ). It would help them to deepen the understanding on the Bible and the church.

Snacks and coffee will be served. No participation fee or registlation needed.

March 28th Friday 14:00
Seekers prayer meeting @Breiðholtskirkja

Prayer meeting for all.

March 30th 14:00
Sunday Worship & Prayer service @Breiðholtskirkja

A cozy and homely gathering at the Breiðholts-church in Mjódd.

We use English as the main language.
But simultaneous translation in Farsi/Persian text will be provided.

ترجمه همزمان متن به فارسی در ادامه می‌آید
Those who have never been in the church service are welcome.

Sunday school at the same time. Small children are welcome, too.

ICB (International Congregation @Breiðholtskirkja) staff:
Árni Þór Þórsson
Toshiki Toma
Örn Magnússon
Hana G.
Sunday school,
Giuliana Agbontaen
Church keeper,
Steinunn Þorbergsdóttir